Get Ahead of the Game

Arista at the 2022 Georgia Association of School Business Officials Conference
GASBO 2022: Finance Is Right! is almost here! We're excited to head to Augusta this November for the 2022 Georgia Association of School Business Officials (GASBO) Conference, November 8-11 at the Augusta Marriott and Convention Center. This annual event is a fantastic educational and networking opportunity for everyone involved in the profession of school business management, with important industry updates and exceptional training and skills development offerings. As experts in assisting K-12 school systems in finding benefits solutions that do more with less, Arista is delighted to join the speaker lineup to share our insights into several relevant benefits topics for school business officials along with updates for this current economy.
The Georgia Association of School Business Officials provides programs and services to more than 400 members from school districts all across Georgia to promote the highest standards of school business in Georgia schools. Members include Associate Superintendents, Directors, CPAs, CFOs, Bookkeepers, and more. The annual GASBO conference brings all these professionals together to share best practices, learn from industry leaders, and get important updates from the Georgia Department of Education and the Georgia Department of Audits and Accounts. This year is the 57th GASBO Conference and Arista is proud to be a sponsor.
Arista at GASBO 2022
Come and meet us in Augusta! Stop by the Arista Consulting Group booth all conference long; we will be running giveaways and chatting with school business officials like you about how Arista can help you do more for less with your school system's benefits packages. Don't miss our speaking session where you'll learn:
- Why it's so important to guide your employees to financial security
- The biggest threat to your employees' financial security
- How Arista makes our clients' administrative lives easier with simplified solutions that just make sense
- How market volatility has changed the benefits package landscape
Will we see you there?