Soon, Generation Z—those born between 1996 and 2010—will be entering the workforce. Is your company somewhere they can thrive? Is it somewhere they would even want to work?
If you want to attract this budding workforce, you need to understand Gen Zers’ motivations.
For instance, Gen Zers have never known a life without technology. This means if your business still touts outdated tech, Gen Zers likely won’t give you a second thought.
Consider areas where your company’s tech falls short and brainstorm how you can improve. Getting new hardware may be sufficient, but another option is hiring a tech expert to conduct an audit and make suggestions. (Hint: This might be a good job for a Gen Zer.)
Beyond prizing their tech, Gen Zers also value their company’s culture. Like their millennial predecessors, Gen Zers want vibrant, collaborative spaces—think bright colors, open workspaces and natural light.
However, Gen Zers also identify as scrappier than millennials. They have a “self-made” attitude and value healthy competition.
With that in mind, your workplace and culture should accommodate some isolated spaces for Gen Zers to hunker down and get things done.
For more tips on attracting this valuable workforce, talk to one of our experts!